ד"ר רותי דרגיש
פסיכולוגית קלינית מומחית ומדריכה
מבוגרים וילדים
כיכר הלורד, תל מונד
050-822-0700, rdergicz@gmail.com
I welcome you to my website and thank you for your interest in my work.
My name is Ruth Dergicz and I am a licensed clinical psychologist and supervisor in Israel. My clinic is located in Tel Mond in the Sharon area near Raanana / Kfar Saba / Even Yehuda / Netanya, where I see child and adult patients.
I received my doctoral degree from the Clinical Science Program of Psychology at University of California, Berkeley in 2006. I was trained in the US and Israel with both psychoanalytic oriented and scientific methods. I have sub-specialties in treating young children from the preschool years, working in play therapy with children, working with parents, and doing psychotherapy with teens and adults.
In the first meetings, I like to explore with you the reasons for your seeking therapy, and together outline overall initial goals for treatment. It is very important for me that in the intimate space created through the therapeutic bond, you will gradually feel secure working with me.
Here is a list of some emotional and mental difficulties I have helped patients with over the years:
Adults: interpersonal relationships, divorce, self esteem, unsatisfactory work life, depression, anxiety, trauma and loss, etc.
Children and Youth: Emotional, social and behavioral difficulties, attention and/or hyperactivity problems, sleep and eating problems, enuresis and encopresis, separation anxiety and other fears, depression, divorce of parents, self image, gender and more.
My work with young children includes work with parents (and teachers when indicated). Sometimes I work only with the parents without working directly with the child.
Autism Psychoanalytic and developmental oriented therapy with children diagnosed on the Autistic spectrum. Parent counseling.
Testing and Assessments Psychological and psycho-diagnostic assessments in Hebrew or English. Including ASD diagnosis per the requirements of the Israeli Bituach Leumi (National Social Security).
Supervision I am licensed clinical supervisor and offer individual or group supervision on therapy and assessment cases for young and experienced psychologists and social workers.
Now that you know a little bit about my work, I encourage you to take the next step and call to arrange an initial meeting on your journey to treat the things that bother you, make positive changes and live a more satisfying life.
Dr. Ruth Dergicz
Mobile: 050-822-0700